Organization | UniBG Economics and Data Analysis


Program Director

The Degree Program Director (Presidente del Consiglio del Corso di Studio) is Prof. Rosario Crinò 

The Director remains in office for three years and is responsible for the monitoring of the quality assurance process and promotes a culture of quality, in line with the measures taken by the University to guarantee the quality of its teaching activities and structures.

The Degree Program Director is elected by the professors and researches of the Degree Program Board.

Degree Program Board

The Degree Program Board (Consiglio del Corso di studi) is formed by the academic staff responsible for the teaching activities of the Degree Program, elected according to University regulations.

The Degree Program Board:

  • plans and coordinates the teaching activities for the attainment of qualifications;
  • adopts and applies the University Quality Assurance criteria of the course of study;
  • proposes its own educational offer to the Board of the Department MEMQ;
  • elaborates proposals to the Department MEMQ in it on the Didactic Regulations of the Degree program;
  • exercises any other task delegated by the Department, or in any case assigned to it by the Articles of Association or by the Regulations.

Its duties include:

  • recognising credits;
  • authorising and recognising learning activities carried out abroad, within international mobility programmes (Learning Agreement);
  • organising graduation exam boards and their schedules.
Advisory Board

The planning of the university educational offer is an activity that involves, in addition to the university bodies as the Program Board, the Department, the Academic Senate and the University Board of Directors, also the external stakeholders most appropriate to the character and objectives of the courses. The external stakeholders include organizations and institutions potentially interested in the cultural and professional profiles of graduates, such as organizations representing the production of goods and services, professions, scientific societies, research centers, academic and cultural institutions of national or international relevance.

The stakeholders can be represented by an Advisory Board.

The establishment of the Advisory Board also responds to the guidelines of the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research (ANVUR).

The program direction in EDA established an Advisory Board for the following programs:

  • three-year Bachelor degree in Economia (class L-33);
  • two-year Master's degree in Economics and Data Analysis (EDA) (class LM-56).



The main objectives of the Advisory Board are as follows:

  • to facilitate and promote the relationships between the university and the economic and productive sector;
  • to analyze the information available on the programs in EDA, including their study plans, the teaching programs, the employment and satisfaction surveys of graduates and companies;
  • to improve information on professional skills needs in the areas of EDA, also through the use of external sources (sector studies, reports made by national and international organizations) in order to promote a broader understanding of the trends in the labor market and the evolution of training needs;
  • to close the gap between the EDA programs to the needs of industry;
  • to evaluate the effectiveness of the university programs;

The Degree Program Director, on the mandate of the Program Board, annually meets the Advisory Board.


Advisory Board composition (stakeholders):

  • Intwig Srl
  • Prometeia Spa
  • CGIL -Bergamo
  • Gefran S.p.A.
  • Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.
  • Provincia di Bergamo
Joint teachers-students committee (Commissione paritetica)

The Committee task is to monitor the educational offer, the quality of teaching and the services available to students.

It is composed as follows:

Representative academic staff:

Student representatives:



For further information see the Italian website

Assurance quality group AQ

The Degree Program Assurance Quality Group AQ (Gruppo di riesame) supports the Coordinator in monitoring the quality assurance process and in promoting a culture of quality.
To this extent, the Assurance Quality Group AQ is responsible for:

  • verifying the implementation of the improvement measures approved in the annual report of the Degree Program Board;
  • monitoring the careers of students, their opinions about the learning activities, their level of satisfaction at the end of the programme, as well as graduate employment rates;
  • reporting the results of its monitoring activities to the Degree Program Board.  



  • Prof. Rosario Crinò (Degree program Director, Coordinator)
  • Prof. Annalisa Cristini (Responsible AQ)
  • Prof.ssa Maria Rosa Battaggion
  • Dott.ssa Anna Papetti (students representative)
  • Dr. Alberto Cefis (stakeholders representative)