Learning objectives and Career opportunities | UniBG Economics and Data Analysis

Learning objectives and Career opportunities

The MSc in Economics and Data Analysis (EDA) offers students an advanced and comprehensive education in economics, complemented by cutting-edge statistical methodologies and practical experience in handling and interpreting data. This comprehensive approach ensures that graduates are fully equipped to excel in prestigious careers as economists in today's information and big data-driven environment.

The program covers a diverse array of economic subjects, spanning from advanced microeconomics and macroeconomics to labor economics, industrial organization, economic growth, and economic policy. Additionally, students delve into computational and statistical techniques such as advanced econometrics, data production and analysis, coding and machine learning. Through hands-on projects, students learn how to use various programming languages and data sources, ranging from firm financial statements to official statistics and big data sets, to inform and enhance decision-making processes within firms and evaluate the impacts of economic policies.

EDA is ideally suited for ambitious students aspiring to pursue esteemed careers as economists in both private and public sectors, across a spectrum of organizations operating within a data-driven society. By equipping students with advanced economic knowledge and state-of-the-art statistical skills, EDA prepares them for roles as managers, economic consultants, analysts, or researchers.

Furthermore, the EMOS label offers a unique educational environment closely linked with National Statistical Offices and Eurostat, ensuring students gain insights from real-world data practitioners and cutting-edge methodologies. The program incorporates innovative teaching methods and provides opportunities for immersive learning experiences through summer and spring schools. Moreover, it mandates compulsory internships at National Statistical Offices, providing students with invaluable practical experience and professional connections in the field.