Discover our Master in Economics and Data Analysis | UniBG Economics and Data Analysis

Discover our Master in Economics and Data Analysis

Students attending an event in Caniana
Why a Master's Degree in Economics & Data Analysis

“Students are equipped with the economic knowledge and methodological skills essential for supporting effective economic decision-making processes and strategic business choices”.

Delivered entirely in English, this Master’s Degree offers students the opportunity to deepen their economic knowledge and acquire statistical skills and hands-on experience in handling and interpreting economic data.

Through this Masters’ Degree, students gain an advanced understanding of economics, complemented by proficiency in state-of-the-art statistical methodologies and practical application of key programming languages such as R, Python, and Stata. This comprehensive preparation ensures graduates are well-prepared for leading careers as economists in both private and public sectors, within the context of a data-driven society.


The EDA Master's Degree is distinguished by:

  • Double degree program: students will attend the second year at the University of Trier (Germany) and will earn both a degree in Economics-European Economic Integration and a Master's Degree in EDA;
  • Wide choice of internships, in public and private institutions: e.g., IRIS, TWIG, Gefran S.p.A., INSTAT;
  • Internationalization: wide selection of internships and final thesis abroad;
  • Specific on-going orientation program: to assist each student to gain confidence, motivation, and be successful;
  • Systemic learning program: lectures, scientific seminars, workshops, data labs, intercultural briefs, and six-monthly meetings;
  • European Master in Officials Statistics: the EMOS curriculum allows students to participate in over 30 programs selected and recognized by Eurostat.
Curricula and main subjects

Curricula in:

  • Economics (ECO)
  • Data Science (DS) and the label EMOS, European Master in Official Statistics


Main subjects:

  • Advanced Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
  • Advanced Econometrics
  • Empirical Methods in Impact Evaluation
  • Personnel Economics and HR Analytics
  • Industrial Organization
  • Coding and Machine Learning
  • Computational statistics
  • Big Data Management
  • Text Mining and Sentiment Analysis
Skills and career opportunities

The skills acquired through this Master’s Degree pave the way for students to embark on esteemed careers as economists across various national and international arenas, including public institutions, research centers, consulting firms, financial institutions, and innovative companies.

Some examples of the knowledge and abilities gained include:

  • conducting quantitative economic evaluations of economic policy programs, investment projects, and strategic decisions such as mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and research and development (R&D);
  • analyzing economic trends as well as related socio-economic phenomena and industrial relations;
  • engaging in economic forecasting;
  • developing relationships with governmental agencies and international organizations;
  • collecting, analyzing, and effectively communicating economic data.

Furthermore, students have the opportunity to continue their academic careers by enrolling in PhD programs in Economics, either in Italy or abroad.

Access requirements

Free access Master's Degree.

To access the Master's Degree, it is required an adequate proficiency in English (at least B2 level - CEFR) and at least 48 credits (ECTS) in Economics / Econometrics / Statistics / Law.

Students with a Bachelor's Degree other than Business or Economics and international students must take an interview (via Skype).

Non-European citizenship students are required to pre-register and thus obtain a visa from their country's Italian Embassy.